Thursday, January 2, 2014

Forgotten Draft Post - What is Your Passion?

It's May 2, 2014. I want to get back into blogging. I have for a while now but I couldn't find my voice. Then it hit me, use the month of May and with each day, write that number of items. I am including "be" like this; May 1 be, May 2 be, May 3 be... There is a little more. I never understood "maybe" when asking someone to do something. May"be" by the end if the month I'll have some insight.

Coincidently, I discovered this draft post I started four months ago! To say I got a little distracted is an understatement. I like the post as is so I am including it here. Enjoy a Fabulous Friday!

January 2, 2014
This is the question I often ask myself, especially when considering a new direction for my life; personally or professionally. I wanted to share this with you today because the New Year for many is a time of new beginnings. I am going to present a few ideas that will help you get started on your new beginnings.

If you aren't happy with your life, you have the power to change it. Here is a starting point:

Sit down with a piece of paper. Draw a "T" - a line across the top and line down the center of the page. Write "Pros" on the left side of the "T" and "Cons" on the write side. Above this, write out one item; i.e., Remove all the old carpet in my bedroom.

Remove all the old carpet in my bedroom.

Pros                                                                                      Cons
1. Get rid of a lot of old dust stuck in the rugs.  | 1. Will create a lot of dust.
2. Redecorate.                                                  | 2. Need to spend money.
3. Have polished hardwood floors.                    |

You get the idea.