Wednesday, March 25, 2020

March 20, 2020 - A Summary and a Link

On Friday, March 20, 2020, there was a Compass National Agent call with Leonard Steinberg, Chief Evangelist at Compass; Scott Clemons, Chief Investment Strategist at Brown Brothers Harriman; and, Alli McCartney, Managing Director of Wealth Management at UBS.

The questions and comments of the three speakers have been consolidated under each presenter. The opinions provide an interesting perspective comparing the never before seen in modern history situation with past situations, what is being done to address it and what and when may be the outcome. 

Thanks for taking a look at this. 

Your comments are always welcome.

Monday, March 23, 2020

Day One of Tighter Guidelines for “Shelter in Place”

Nothing about COVID-19 is easy. It is hard to understand and accept that this exploded so rapidly; but, it did. Now, we need ways to adapt, adjust and get through this. In times of crisis people come together to support each other, comfort each other, help each other. With this situation we are asked to keep six feet between us. This is unnatural for most of us and perhaps one of the most uncomfortable parts of this crisis. 

Now is the time to find ways to cheer people. “Shine a Little Light” in the world around us. I will share inspiring quotes, pictures, videos and cards with the hope it helps make this time a little easier and brings a smile to your face.