Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Thoughts on the Second Half of 2014

This post is about thoughts and feelings. Nothing specific just thoughts and feelings as we start the second half of 2014.

This year the Fourth of July falls on Friday. It makes for an exciting weekend filled with barbecues or the opportunity to kick back and just relax. Spring planting is done. Now is the time to appreciate where I am, how I got here and where do I want to be six months from now. 

One thought that keeps nagging; time. Everything and everybody seems rushed including me. I feel like there is so much to do and so little time to do it. I know all the quotes about busy people always find the time to get things done. This is true. This comes with a price, anxiety. I feel like there are things that I should have accomplished for the day, the week or the month. Did I enjoy what I did accomplish? Sometimes. Other times the moments passed so quickly they were over before the wonderful feelings settled into my memory. I need memories because they are what help me through the challenging times. 

Challenging times are not always ones that are difficult or negative. Challenging times can simply be the 24 hour day that has 25 hours worth of things that need to be done. Some people manage with lists. My lists are typically the goals I have written and the strategies I will implement to achieve each goal. A daily list of what I need to do for the day overwhelms me. Making the time at the end of each day to record the positive things that happened makes a difference for me. The value of this practice is always evident three to six months down the road. Therefore, why isn't this a daily activity for me? I haven't made this a goal. 

Brody is excited!

A final thought for today; I am going to set a goal to write down the positives that happen each day. I am excited to have these tidbits to read in the months ahead. Excited to see what this does for my business and relationships. Excited to see what decisions I will make so at the end of the day I have positive things to record.

Brody, my nieces dog, is excited too. I hope I meet his expectations!

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