Saturday, July 5, 2014

To Blog or Not To Blog

To blog or not to blog... 

Picture Purrfect Day!
I am captivated by the blogging concept. I have a platform where my words can make a difference. I can find these thoughts again when I want to. I can share them again with just a link. For me this is all I need. I realize I may be missing an opportunity to "make money" with a blog. I don't believe everything has to be about making money. I believe it's about making a difference.

A blog versus Facebook and why "to blog or not to blog". I can find everything I write. I have used " share" on Facebook because I wanted to come back to a post for the information it contained. I discovered yesterday that not only does Facebook choose which post I will see in my newsfeed, they limit my timeline posts. I knew I shared a post and searching back for it I discovered this Facebook strategy of hiding my posts in my timeline, why?  I am convinced I will never understand Facebook. Each day I move further away from it. It reminds me of the days when I read the daily newspaper, the paper version. I would scan the paper staying on top of what was happening. I am starting to do the same thing with Facebook. I go on to see what my friends and relatives are doing. I like posts and make comments when appropriate. Over the years I have learned a lot about what to say and not to say on Facebook. My relationship with Facebook is evolving. My time spent there is minimal. I am embracing other platforms like Blogger, Pinterest, Instagram and I am looking for the right platform for photo sharing which may turn out to be Instagram. I am looking for a way to stay connected without feeling chained.

Lastly, the picture in this post is a Weather screenshot. Today is going to be one of those picture-perfect days. I wanted to include picture because I am using a new app on my iPad. One of the reasons I don't blog as regularly as I should or want to is the limitation of available iPad apps. I spent some time in the App Store, made two purchases and find I really like the features of this app. At least in the creation stage. It's called BlogTouch Pro. It is feature-rich and easy-to-use. I'm hoping when I hit the publish button my blog looks the way I want it to online. I will have to come back and write a final note about it. Time to publish.

I am happy with the first results. Picture size still a bit confusing and the "alternate text" I wrote with the picture I thought would show as a caption. If the only thing I need to go back to the computer for is picture tweaking, this app is great. Finally, an easy way to blog on the go.

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