Tuesday, December 10, 2013

What Is Network Marketing?

I love network marketing. I have ever since I was introduced to NuSkin. The concept that you buy amazing products and share those products with others while having the opportunity to earn a little or a lot of extra money is very appealing. You don't have to "quit your day job" to be successful in network marketing. 

The 21st. Century ushered in opportunities and scams. I am an Independent Associate with ASEA, a breakthrough product that serves two major markets; health and wellness and the sports and performance market. I am a consumer of ASEA since March, 2011 and cannot imagine not taking ASEA or giving it to our kitties and spraying our bonsai's with ASEA. I continue to discover new uses for ASEA. With this being said, the main objection I get is, "Oh, that's one of those pyramid schemes." I decided to Google Network Marketing. I found articles at entrepreneur.com that answered my question, "what is network marketing?" 

The next few posts will be centered on this topic, including links to the articles:

Is Network Marketing Just a Scam?

There's a huge difference between network marketing and pyramid schemes. Learn the truth here.

Q: Some friends continue to try to recruit me into network marketing deals that seem like some type of money game or pyramid. Other friends tell me they're illegal and I'll get into trouble. How do I know what's legal and legitimate?
A: To help you understand what network marketing is, I must first explain what it isn't. First, network marketing isn't a pyramid scheme. Pyramids are programs similar to chain letters where people just invest money based on the promise that other people will put in money that will filtrate back to them and somehow, they'll get rich. A pyramid is strictly a money game and has no basis in real commerce. Normally, there's no product involved at all, just money changing hands. Modern-day pyramids may have a product, but it's clearly there just to disguise the money game.

Network marketing is a legitimate business. First, it's based on providing people with real, legitimate products they need and want at a fair price. While some people do make a lot of money through network marketing, their financial benefit is always the result of their own dedicated efforts in building an organization that sells real products and services.
Pyramids are illegal and are based on taking advantage of people. For a person to actually make money in a pyramid scheme, someone else has to lose money. But in network marketing, each person can multiply his or her efforts, skills and talents by helping others be successful. Network marketing has proved itself as part of the new economy and a preferred way to do business here and around the world.
You can read the rest of this article by clicking on the link: 
The author is Michael L. Sheffield, founder of Sheffield Resource Network.

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